My Perspective #22:Health, WEALTH & Stealth 2 of 3 Let me explain

The first entry of this series touched on protecting our health. This week’s entry is about not only protecting our wealth, but also being generous with it.

Whether we want to give ourselves the credit or not, each of us has a certain level of wealth to impart on others. That “wealth” can be in the form of not only money, but our time, talents, gifts and service too. It’s not just that we should give of our wealth aka blessings, but we are charged in doing so. It is our responsibility. 

Being good stewards of our wealth, in this case, money, includes saving frequently, giving generously to your church or some well-vetted charity, or even buying a stranger’s meal or giving an extra-generous tip. None of these “good deeds” will reserve you a place in Heaven, mind you, but they WILL instill qualities that are becoming of a cheerful giver and that of a good steward. 

Additional ways to be good stewards of money is to pay everything (back) quickly whether it’s your credit card bill, your light bill or that 5 bucks you “borrowed” to get an over-priced coffee. No one should ever have to follow up with YOUR debt! 

An additional aspect of wealth protection includes not wasting or squandering our resources/blessings. If you are blessed with the ability to encourage, encourage without pretense; if you are blessed with the ability to sing, sing aloud; if you are blessed with the ability to run fast, coach someone who’s learning. 

You get it.

Now, go impart your wealth and impart it abundantly — and responsibly.

Read my entry on Health here

Read my entry on Stealth here

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