Shawn Carter said, “I’m not a businessman. I’m a business, man.” (You may have heard him affectionately referred to as Jay Z).
I can totally get behind that: I’m a business, man. I personally think we should all consider ourselves and conduct ourselves as a business.
A good, thriving business.
But, how would a good business look? How would a thriving business look?
Let’s do a quick audit to discover the health of the “business.”
Among many other redeeming aspects, are you a business that:
…has a strong CEO? By that I mean, do you hold yourself accountable; do you accept blame and distribute credit, can you accept constructive criticism, do you have tact especially when saying no? Are you self-motivated and self-governing?
…has integrity? By that I mean, do you say what you mean and mean what you say? How do you conduct yourself when others aren’t looking?
…others would want to support and get behind? By that I mean, are you consistent in your approaches; are you solid & sturdy in shaky, uncertain times? Are you optimistic and positive but not unrealistic?
…innovates and grows? By that I mean, do you see how you can do things more effectively and efficiently; strive not to waste time, energy and money? Do you contribute in a way that makes things better or others around you better? Do you ask others how you can improve?
…listens to the Board? By that I mean, do you implement sound wisdom from others around you via credible books and podcasts or trusted mentors? Is it your way or no way? Are you open to constructive criticism and feedback that may not always be what you want to hear or delivered how you want to hear it?
…takes care of the infrastructure? By that I mean, do you take care of yourself through exercise, reading, sleeping enough, eating well, praising & giving thanks, and implementing healthy behavioral habits? Do you do good deeds anonymously?
…is responsive? By that I mean, do you work and respond quickly and urgently to others and for others? Do you seek to lead by serving?
…has finances in mind? By that I mean, are you thrifty or a spend-thrift? Are you hasty or pragmatic? Are you wasteful or mindful? Do you pay what you owe quickly and on-time?
…takes care of and maintains your vehicle? By that I mean, do you get frequent oil changes, rotate your tires, get car washes, get repairs done quickly? How’s your driving record?
…acknowledges others’ achievements? By that I mean, are you sincerely happy for the advancement of your friends and colleagues? If so, give a toast to them.
…that follows through on tasks big and small? By that I mean, do you thoroughly finish what you set out to do in a timely manner? Do you prepare well enough in advance to be places on time?
…that does internal case-studies? By that I mean, do you learn from what hasn’t worked or doesn’t yield positive results or do you work in the same, non fruit-producing way?
And, finally, would you invest in you? By that I mean, would you invest in YOU?
If you’re like most businesses, you won’t reach your definition of success overnight. You will most likely fail multiple times trying to get “there,” you may even go bankrupt, financially and morally, frankly. Those things can’t define you/You, Inc., but they must help steer and guide you/You, Inc.
Okay, so, are you a good and thriving business, man?