We are obsessively committed to:
Including all the above and in coordination with The Arena Disciplina, we are intent on providing a fun, motivating, accountable atmosphere while focusing on your health, wellness and personal development.
We just want to impact lives.
We want everyone doing ordinary movements extraordinarily well including your everyday, mundane routines by instilling disciplined fundamentals & purposeful functions in your actual training workouts for your General Physical Preparedness.
The 3•5•9 Protocol adheres to the intentional use of Power, Strength and Speed components while insisting upon pain-free ranges of motion.
The physical Challenges in The Arena Disciplina adhere to the methodology of The 3•5•9 Protocol.
For further reading to the approach, read this.
The 3•5•9 Protocol adheres to the training regimen as follows:
One “round” is a whole 3•5•9 sequence and gets performed 3-5 times per exercise.
For further reading on the approach, read this.
The exercise movements in The Protocol need to be confident, quick, controlled, stable & fluid, and worked within a pain-free range of motion.
Additionally, your balance, coordination and agility will improve with your training. Just stay consistent!
Read the FAQ on how much rest is encouraged and the minimum equipment needed to start getting more powerful, stronger and faster in your garage, basement or spare bedroom. Let’s do this!
• Dropping the weight or failing to execute the requisite repetitions for the entire Protocol scheme would indicate that the athlete needs to drop his/her weight to an amount that he/she can effectively execute according to the Protocol.