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The 3.5.9 Protocol
WID Today
Happy Newest Year. READ ME.
My Perspective on “Don Quixote”
Holiday Hiatus
Skin the Cat
An Arena Apologue III: “Quit Making Such Lame Excuses.”
My Perspective #82: “What’s crazy, really?” Let me explain.
Veterans Day
Veterans Day workout
Read before training with The 3.5.9 Protocol
My Perspective #42: “Why 3? Why 5? Why 9?” Let me explain.
My Perspective #81: “Sense the lull to avoid it.” Let me explain.
My Perspective #80: “Be different. Be disciplined.”Let me explain
OWL: Healthy, balanced snacks
My Perspective #79: “God’s Word impact your word?” Let me explain
Morning 10k
OWL: Don’t eat past 7:30pm
My Perspective #78: “Don’t wish away problems.” Let me explain.
My Perspective #77: “The Appreciation Paradigm.” Let me explain.
My Perspective #76: “Voluntarily sedentary.” Let me explain.
My Perspective #75: “My body’s a temple,not a tent.” I’ll explain
Happy Labor Day
My Perspective #74 “Inspiration. Therapy. Connection.” I’ll explain
Perspective #73: “Methinks thou protest too much.” I’ll explain.
An Arena Apologue II: “Purpose and Vision.”
Rest for the Summer
An Arena Apologue I: “Credibility”
Read before training with The 3.5.9 Protocol
My Perspective #72: “Can’t Never Could.” Let me explain.
OWL: Nerd Alert!
My Perspective #71:”Feel heard, seen & significant.” I’ll explain
My Perspective #70: “Measured.” Let me explain.
OWL: Why the Latin phrases?
My Perspective #69: “FITness is FUNness.” Let me explain.
My Perspective #68: “Debtitude.” Let me explain.
My Perspective #67:”Just a simple follow-through.” Let me explain
My Perspective #66: “Potentia, Virtus, Celeritas.” Let me explain
My Perspective #65: “Laughter: A Laughing Matter.” Let me explain
My Perspective #64: “If When-Then, then when?” Let me explain.
My Uncle Jimbo
My Perspective #63: “Hard to see the forage through the weeds.”
OWL: Give it up!
My Perspective #62: “You’re a poet! You know it?” Let me explain.
Heavy back and triceps day
My Perspective #61: “HIIT or MISS.” Let me explain.
My Perspective #60: “Work Harder. Work Smarter.” Let me explain.
My Perspective #59 “Goals and Resolutions‽” Let me explain.
2023 Goals for The Arena
Happy Newest Year. READ ME.
My Perspective #58: “The Entrepreneur Mindset.” Let me explain.
Merry Christmas
OWL: “The Life Mod”
My Perspective #57: “Don’t bask in your jumpshot.” Let me explain
My Perspective #56: “I am because I have.” Let me explain.
The ethos of “The Arena Disciplina” in 110 words.
My Perspective #55: “Rely on no one.” Let me explain.
My Perspective #54: “Train Like Milo.” Let me explain.
My perspective #53: “Go deep to grow deeper.” Let me explain.”
My Perspective #52: “Scary good Fartlek.” Let me explain.
My Perspective #51: “Work & wait or wait & work?” Let me explain.
My Perspective #50. “Always fun to get fit(ter)?” Let me explain.
My Perspective #49: “Hurry, don’t rush.” Let me explain.
My Perspective #48: “To err is human, but…” Let me explain
My Perspective #47: “The Richness of Speech.” Let me explain.
My Perspective #46: “Healthy Heuristic 3 of 3: Don’t worry.”
My Perspective #45 “Healthy Heuristic 2 of 3:Don’t make excuses.”
My Perspective #44: “Healthy Heuristic 1 of 3: Don’t complain.”
My perspective #43: “Attachment anxiety.” Let me explain.
My Perspective #42: “Why 3? Why 5? Why 9?” Let me explain.
My Perspective #41: “Stronger = more useful.” Let me explain.
My Perspective #40: “Treat not cheat.” Let me explain.
My Perspective #39: “Tried and true?” Let me explain.
My Perspective #38: “Eat wise* and exercise.” Let me explain.
My Perspective #37: “Eulogize someone.” Let me explain.
My perspective #36: “Compare yourself.” Let me explain.
My perspective #35: “Wait, what?! Wait?” Let me explain.
Old Glory is (still) worth it
My perspective #34: “How needy are you, really?” Let me explain.
My Perspective #33: “A critique is not a critic.” Let me explain.
My perspective #32: “Run, ran, run.” Let me explain.
My Perspective #31: “An Orderly Way of Life” Let me explain.
Month goal!
My Perspective #30. “WID Today.” Let me explain.
My perspective #29: “You, Inc.” Let me explain.
My perspective #28: “Fight for it.” Let me explain.
My perspective #27: “Reflect Discipline.” Let me explain.
My Perspective #26: “Sit vis vobiscum.” Let me explain.
My perspective #25: “Gone in a flash.” Let me explain.
My Perspective #24: “Quit living intentionally.” Let me explain.
My Perspective #23 HEALTH, Wealth & Stealth 1 of 3 Let me explain
My Perspective #22:Health, WEALTH & Stealth 2 of 3 Let me explain
Invictus – by William Ernest Henley
My perspective #19: “It’s all in the mindsight.” Let me explain.
My Perspective #18: “Just don’t it.” Let me explain.
My Perspective #17: “Down with GSP.” Let me explain.
My Perspective #16: “Down with GPP.” Let me explain.
OWL: What’s your BHAG, baby?
My Perspective #15: “Strenuous-rich and pain-free” Let me explain
My Perspective #14: “Ignorance is Blitzed” 1 of 3. Let me explain
My Perspective #13: “Ignorance is blitzed” 2 of 3. Let me explain
My Perspective #12: “Ignorance is blitzed” 3 of 3. Let me explain
My perspective #11: “Squat & reach through life.” Let me explain.
My Perspective #10: “Pressure is a privilege.” Let me explain.
My Perspective #9: “Sweep well, my friends.” Let me explain.
My Perspective #8: “Posture is paramount. Get tall!” I’ll explain
The OWL: Asking For Help
My Perspective: “Look back and smile.” Let me explain.
OWL: Minimum water intake.
OWL: Protein Intake
Happy Newest Year
My Perspective #5: “We are a soul proprietorship.” Let me explain
Merry Christmas
My Perspective #3: “Be it then spell it.” Let me explain.
“My blog has a perspective and a protocol.” Let me explain.
Welcome to The 3•5•9 Protocol Blog
OWL: Shower 007-Style
OWL: Sweet bed-making
Read before you enter The Arena Disciplina